Friday, September 17, 2010

Rainy Days Sessions: Best. Idea. Ever. (that no one knows about!)

 Last Spring, my SIL and her family came to visit us in Arkansas. My nieces are about the cutest things ever and I asked Amy to bring some rain boots with them (because it was supposed to rain), and I wanted to take some pictures of the girls jumping in puddles. I knew they would be cute, but didn't know that it would lead to an entire program that I would start! Ok, so enough with the background on how Rainy Day Sessions came to be and on to what they are.

Think about it. Your cute kids, rain boots, umbrellas and puddles. Yeah, cute beyond belief. Rainy Day Sessions will be held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays in October and November when the weather works out, of course! To do a Rainy Day Session, you have to be on the "CALL ME" list. If there are puddles on the days mentioned above, we will be shooting! You get on the list, I call to see if you can shoot that day.  If you can't, you keep you place on the list and are the first one called the next day we shoot.  The sessions are only 20 minutes long so they don't take your entire day up!

Sessions are $100 and you get 15-20 high resolution images on a disc for you to print your pictures as you would like! A regular session with me with the disc would normally cost $599, so $100 is a steal! To get on the "CALL ME" list, a $50 deposit is required.  Email me at to get on the list!

Here's more incentive for why you should do this. There is a referral program. If you email me to get on the list and know three of your friends who want on too, you get your session FOR FREE. They have to contact me and pay their deposit, of course. If you refer six friends, you not only get your session for free, you also get a free 10x10 canvas to display in your home. Seriously, what an easy way to get a free session and some cool swank for you home! For a canvas that size I would normally charge $109 for, so you are getting a pretty awesome deal for just getting your friends to have cute pictures too! Get on the list today!

Even better: After you get on the "CALL ME" list, copy this promotional picture and post it to your blog or Facebook, and receive a family session with NO SITTING fee!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New blog!

Check out the new blog! I am celebrating this new blog by having a session give away! "Like" B. Perry Photography on FB and then follow the directions on the new blog! Winner will be announce on Wednesday, June 16th!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Change of heart...

Those of you I talk to on a consistent basis know that I am reading a book right now that is totally changing the way that I look at parenting kids and I am sorry, but you are going to hear more about it on this post! The unexpected blessing has been how it is changing my understanding of how God deals with me. Me. Not my child. The book is LOVING OUR KIDS ON PURPOSE by Danny Silk. It is super funny and way not traditional (well, not traditional from the parenting standpoint I know and read about), but totally makes sense.

Here's some of the main points (I will do my best, but I am still processing all this stuff):

1. Jesus said,"If you have seen me, you have seen my Father." Your kids should know God because they have seen you. You will parent the way you see God.

2. In the Old Testament, we were motivated by external controls; basically, people were scared to death of the punishments that would come for their sin, so they tried to live righteously. In the New Testament, we are motivated from the heart. Jesus said, "If you love me, you will follow my commands," NOT "You will follow my commands if you love me." A love relationship brings obedience, obedience does NOT bring a love relationship with Christ. The same goes for parenting....Plus, what is keeping them in check when there are NO external reinforcements if it is not within their hearts? When you are not there threatening them with punishment for if they get really drunk one weekend or are out there with them and their friends or with their boyfriends or girlfriends and have the opportunity to make a poor choice?

3. That being said, kids, even at a young age, are responsible for their half of their relationship with their parents. When they realize that you have limits with them, it puts the ball in their court. Scary thought, I know, but it makes sense if you think about it. I can't be around Eli when he is throwing a fit, so he has a choice. He can stay with me and have fun, or he can go to his room. I can't be around Eli when he is throwing a fit for no reason or I am going to be a cranky and worn out parent who ends up resenting him. Basically, have boundries with your kids. Stop telling them what to do and start telling them what you are going to do if they continue to act the way they are. So, he gets to become responsible for his actions at 16 months. Yes, responsibility at 16 months. AND HE GETS IT!!! Kids are so stinking smart! When I say, "You can have fun with Mama or you can go to your room," he looks at me and stops throwing a fit because he wants to be with me! When you think about it, it's the same way with Jesus. Our choices either bring us closer to him or seperates us from him. Not because of him, but because of us. Seriously, I never would have had that expectation for him at such a young age. I am such a less stressed out parent and I have enjoyed Eli so much more the past two months. Kids can realize at a very young age that their choices effect you also. When you have a heart connection with your kids the way Jesus does with us, they want to be with you. They want to make right choices because they understand they can hurt your heart. That should be our motivation with Christ. He doesn't want us to be obedient because we are afraid of getting in trouble, he wants us to understand that our choices effect our relationship!

4. Controlling others does not make you more powerful and certainly does nothing for the person you are controlling. You are powerful when you can control yourself. Teach your kids that.

5. Create a safe place for them to fail. If you condemn them every time they fail, you are pushing them to solve their problems outside of the safety of your family and to solve their problems away from you and probably with those that are their own age! God does not withhold love from us when we fail. He doesn't say, "Bad boy!" or "Shame on you!" What does he do? He says, "Ok, what are you going to do about your problem? Would you like my help with this? i love you and will do whatever you need me to do in order to get things right. I love you regardless, but you have to know that you made the choice and have to deal with the consequnces. I am here when you need me. I love you." Jesus wants us to run right to him when we fail. Problem is, many of us want to run the other direction because we are so fearful that he is so mad or disappointed in us that he is just going to shun us. Where is that in scripture outside of the Old Testament? Even in the OT, God ALWAYS took his people back after repentance. Why do we believe that? Because that was the way most of us were raised. We want to be the place where they RUN to when they make a mistake and sin.

6. They create messes and we need to let them figure out with their brains. KIDS ARE SMART! That does NOT mean don't help them. That means to ask them questions about what they could possibly do in order to solve their problems. Think about Job. Remember at the end of Job after all of his friends had forced all of this advice on him and God came and asked him a ton of question to help him understand his situation.

There is SOOOOO much more, but this post is already so long. I'll write more later. I feel as though I am not even doing justice to the book, so I really hope that someone will go out there and get it and let me know what you think. If you don't have time to read, you can get the cd's too where Danny Silk is preaching on it. Both are really good. The book has more detailed examples, though.

Just some food for thought.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Christmas Card templates... Let me know what's your favorites!

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Chirstmas card templates

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Updated photog blog and question

Check out the work I've done this summer on my photography blog! The link should be on the side of this page.

Starting in September, I will start taking bookings for Christmas card family pics. I am thinking of having a Mini-Session Christmas card day where people can meet me in downtown Fayetteville for a 30 minute mini-session where the fee would include the session and a certain amount of Christmas cards included. Help me out here:

What would make an event like this appealing?

What would you like to see a photographer offer to you the consumer?

Tell me what you think!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Eli's First Hair Cut

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: All Boy
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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Umm... We are still alive...

I said from the beginning that I would have a really hard time keeping up with this thing and I have stayed true to my word... I always forget about this thing...

Thankfully, I have been busy with photography and because of that I am going to only work part time next year. While starting this business has been extremely time consuming and made me feel like I have lost touch with the world, I am so thankful that God has totally blessed it and keeps providing opportunities for me to take pictures of people. Check out the website:

Eli is getting huge and I now understand what people mean when they say that "they grow up so fast". I love this age right now. He is learning so much and is such a sponge. His new big thing is opening and closing anything and everything that can be opened and closed. Smashed fingers have not taught him anything because it happens all the time and he still procedes to do so. I would have never thought that I would have a hard time keeping up with the speed of an 8 month old! This obsession with doors and drawers did lead to some cute pics though...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Eli's 6 months old!

Ok, so two months later.... well, he's six months old now and a the cutest chunk you have ever seen. Who knew that a potbelly, cellulite, and eight rolls on each leg would be so stinkin' adorable! I just want to eat him up most of the time. He is so happy most of the time and his smile just absolutely melts me.

Life has really changed the past few days... He's now mobile. It is so weird how they just figure out crawling one day and the life of just sitting them down on a blanket for a while while you do things is officially over. For a few days he would just stand on all fours like an animal... again, another little thing that just makes you think they are so cute.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

New photography website and 25% off!

So I am now doing the photography thing for real and should be up within the next two weeks! To celebrate this step in my business, the first five people to book a session will get their choice 25% off of the package of their choice or no sitting fee. You can email me at or call me at 479-283-8727 to set up a session.

One thing I am really excited about is the Party Package I am offering. Whatever kind of party you are having, I would love to photograph it for you. I know that moms are never in any of the pictures of their kids' birthday parties because they are always running around keeping all the kids in line, cutting the cake and trying to take pictures. So, if you would like great pictures of your birthday, graduation, anniversary, or any other type of party you are having, contact me. I will come take pictures of prom day also! The price for the package includes 2 hours of photography time, editing, and either a spiral bound proof book or up to 100 5x5 proofs. Check out for the package price.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Eli's first Christmas

I know it's been a while since Christmas, but whatever. It still happened. He won't remember it, but it happened. We were road warriors. NWA to Dallas to Baton Rouge, back to Dallas and finally home... all in seven days. Poor kid had a double ear infection and something called bronchilitis, but like I said, he won't remember it. That's when you feel like mom of the year when you think you kid MIGHT be sick and so you take him in and then they tell you that you need to be ready to go to the emergency room if a, b, or c happens. I think all mothers have had that experience. It PROBABLY wouldn't have ANYTHING to do with the time you took them in when you THOUGHT they were sick and they sent you home with a piece of paper with the title "How to Fight the Common Cold in Your Infant" along with giving you the "You don't need to bring him in for everything" speech. Nope, it probably didn't have anything to do with that.

So, like I said, the first place we stopped was Dallas to celebrate with the Perry's. It was great and Eli had such fun hanging out with his cousins, Taylor and Anna Kate. Not to mention Nana, Papa, Auntie Em, and Uncle Ryan.

Next, we went to Baton Rouge to see my family. We go every other year to visit my family and it is always fun.

My cousin Carrie and I used to wear really big bows and dress alike. Well, we thought it was time to bring it back. You know, for ol' times' sake.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

3 months and counting

It's like he's been here forever, but it has only been three months. I feel like everyday is different and has new joys and challenges. There are definitely more joys. He is so much fun now... he laughs when we laugh and smiles when he sees us. He knows our voices and I know that everyone knows that your kids knows your voice, but when you are first experiencing it, it is the neatest thing. I love that I know he knows my voice. My favorite thing to do is pick him up from the Kerrie or Mrs. Harvill's house and see him get the biggest grin on his face when he hears my voice. Like I said last time, it shows me so much about what God feels about us. We know his voice. Sometimes we try to ignore it, but everyone who knows Him recognizes his voice when he is speaking. I love to think about how it makes his heart so excited when we respond to him, just like mine (and many of yours does with your kids) when Eli responds so excitedly to me. I know I have said it before, but it is just really blowing my mind the way that God has set up this life to be such a reflection of how he intended our relationship to be with him.

I just thought this was funny. He looks like this a lot:)
Ok, this bear warm thing is the cutest thing ever. It is way too big on him, but I love seeing those little eyes pop out of the head opening.

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Monday, October 27, 2008


Wow, time does fly by! I can't believe Eli has been around for two months... It seems so long ago, but at the same time, not so long ago. I feel like he has helped solidfy in my mind so many things about my relationship with Jesus. It was major revelation to me a few weeks ago. Like how Jesus talks about how his sheep will hear his voice and know that it is him. It is amazing how from the moment he came into this world he knew my voice. Another thing that is crazy is how much I love him and am willing to sacrifice things for him without hesitation. I love him even though he is not mature enough to love me the way I love him. Wow. That is just a tiny comparison to the way the Father loves us - crazy mad love despite our immature ability to love him back. He is CRAZY about us. I don't think we really understand the love of Jesus... it is not the "have to" love. He does not think to himself, "Oh, those pitiful people. Why do I have to love them?" Someone does not say, "Those the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, my love for you will not be shaken, nor my covenant of peace be removed from you..." and love out of obligation. That is passionate.


I ask that you bestow upon us a revelation of your love. I pray that we would know how precious we are to you and how passionately you love us and want us to intimately walk with you. Fascinate our hearts - whoo us with your Spirit. Thank you that you love us despite our immaturity. Speak to our hearts and touch us with your love. I pray that you would take away the things in our hearts that steal our affections for you.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Eli's first date

Our sweet friend, Lila Kate, came over today to say hello and Eli put the moves on her! You know, I am starting to believe more and more in prearranged marriages... :)Not quite sure what he's supposed to do when he sees a pretty girl...What a cutie! Good choice, Eli!
Hey, baby! How 'bout a little snuggling on the couch?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Trip to Washington

Caleb, Mia, and Eli

Uncle Beau's football team... He's the center, #72

Eli and I went to Washington to visit my family this weekend. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous about bringing a newborn on a plane by myself, but he did great. It would have been nice to have an extra set of hands though. We got to see Beau play football and see him off to Homecoming (which was informal... weird) and also spend some time with Aunt BB, Mimi, and Pawpaw. We also got to see our friends Marlana and Shayna, along with their kids, Caleb and Mia. It was a short, but GREAT weekend. We love you guys and can't wait to see you again soon!

Eli and BB

Uncle Beau's going to Homecoming

Mimi loves me!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A weekend of family and friends

This weekend we celebrated some Perry birthdays: Nana, Papa Joe, and Uncle Ryan. This was the first time Aunt Mimi, Uncle Ryan, Taylor and Anna Kate met Eli and we had so much fun!

Mike, Kailee, Emmerson and Finley also came to visit. Man, the betrothal list gets longer and longer! :)